Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Sambungan Soal 2011 SMA

Soal 2011

MataPelajaran: Bahasa Inggris                                            
Kelas               : XI IPA                                                          

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan baik dan cerdas !

1.     Put the appropriate time connective in the following short story
                        The Ant and Dove
……..an ant fell into a river accidentally.The poor ant struggled in the water.…,a dove up in the tree swa the ant.She dropped it to the ant.…the little ant swa this,she climbed onto the leat and es caped from drowing,…she thanked to the dove.
2.     Develop the following sentence with adverb of manner,place,and time.
·       The birds swang.
·       The birds sang joyfully
·       ………..
·       ………..
3.     Develop these nouns into noun phrases by adding adjective,present participle,pastparticiple,a noun.and a proposition.

- palace                                   - a test                         - a sreen
- a meeting                              - The color the ocean                                     

4.     Put the verbs into the correct from of  past continiuous or simple past.
-        The dog …… (see) his  own shadow while he ……………(walk) across the long bridge.
5.     Join these sentences bellow by using conjunction : and, but, or, because, so
-        your dove picked a big leaf …………. dropped it to the ant.
-        The other birds saw the ant ……….. they would  not help her.
-        The country man was thingking whether he would sell the eggs ………….. would hatch them.
-        Ahmad helped Hasan …………. Hasan once saved his life.
-        The dog bit the hunter’s leg ………… the hunter missed his shoot.

Mata Pelajaran: Sejarah                                            
Kelas               : XI                             

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan baik dan cerdas !

1.     Jelaskan bagaimanakan cara penyebaran agama serta kebudayaan hindu dan budha di Indonesia !.
2.     Jelaskan beberapa teori tentang masuknya agama Hindu – Budha di Indonesia !
3.     Menurut Moh. Yamin sejarah Majapahit dibagi menjadi 4 masa, sebutkan dan jelaskan !.
4.     Sebutkan beberapa factor penyebab sehingga islam cepat berkembang di Indonesia !.
5.     Sebutkan kerajaan-kerajaan islam di Indonesia dan siapa nama rajanya yang terkenal !

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